Step by step
The next component to examine is the one that represents a step in the questionnaire and shows the associated questions:
// packages/wizard/src/view/Step.js Ext.define('Wizard.view.wizard.Step', { extend: 'Ext.form.Panel', xtype: 'wizard-step', cls: 'wizard-step', defaults: { labelSeparator: '', labelAlign: 'top', labelWidth: 250, msgTarget: 'side', width: '100%' }, config: { step: null }, modelValidation: true, applyStep: function(step) { this.add({ xtype: 'container', cls: 'wizard-step-introduction', html: step.get('introduction') }); step.questions().each(function(question) { this.add({ xtype: question.get('type'), fieldLabel: question.get('questionText'), required: question.get('required'), bind: '{question.answer}', viewModel: 'progress-step...