Sourcing data
If you’re working on a deepfake, then you probably already know who you’re going to be swapping. Hopefully, you’re lucky and are working on a deepfake that covers two people who you have access to so you can film them or gather data from them without too much trouble. Unfortunately, not everyone is so lucky, and most of the time, one or both of your subjects will be unavailable for custom data (this is probably why you’re working on a deepfake in the first place, after all).
These two situations require very different approaches to getting data, and sometimes, even if you have good access to your subjects, you will need to get some of your data from another source.
Filming your own data
Filming your own sources is a dream position for any deepfaker. The ability to build the perfect dataset by putting an actor in front of a camera is liberating, but also a wasted opportunity if you don’t know how to capture all that you need...