Answer data
If the need arises, you can review the answer submitted by a selected student for a specific problem, download a course-wide report of answer data, or review a histogram of student answers for a selected problem.
To review a response submitted by a student, follow these steps:
View the live version of your course.
Click on Courseware and navigate to the unit with the problem you want to review.
Display the problem and then click on the gray SUBMISSION HISTORY button below the problem (it will change to red when you hover over it).
Enter the username of the student whose work you want to review, and then click on View History at the end of the page.
Close the Submission History Viewer by clicking outside it.
For certain problems, you can download a CSV file with data about the distribution of student answers. Student answer distribution data is available for these problem types:
Checkboxes (
)Dropdowns (
)Multiple choice (