Student data
Data about the students enrolled in your course is available for review. You can download this data in a comma-separated values file (CSV); or, for courses with fewer than 200 students, you can view data for enrolled students on the Instructor Dashboard.
When students register with edX, they select a public username and supply information about themselves. Most of this information is optional, so not all students who are enrolled in your course provide it.
Student data reflects only current enrollments; students can enroll in your course during the defined enrollment period, and they can unenroll from a course at any time. Students can also change their e-mail addresses and names at any time. Therefore, you should download student data periodically to gain insights into the student population over time.
To download student data, perform these steps:
View the live version of your course.
Click on Instructor and then on Data Download.
Click on the gray Download profile information as...