Messages to students
Communication with your students is crucial in any online educational environment, but it is especially important in a MOOC, where students can more easily feel overwhelmed or lost in the crowd. For courses offered on, the system provides you with a way to send bulk e-mails to course participants from the Instructor Dashboard.
The messages you send via edX can use HTML styling, and can include links to videos, social media pages for the course, and any other relevant material. Anyone assigned as course staff or instructor can send bulk e-mails to communicate with course participants, before, during, and after the course.
When sending a message, you have to select its recipients by identifying them as belonging to one of these predefined groups:
Myself: Select this to send a message to yourself. This is useful for testing messages before you send them to the class.
Staff and Instructors: Choose this when you want to send a message to other members of the administrative...