Chapter 5. Integrating the Curriculum
In their 1969 song Come Together, the Beatles sang "come together right now over me." Likewise, in this chapter, we will focus on bringing all the components of our class curriculum together into one cohesive edX course.
Chapter 1, Getting Started, walked you through setting up your Studio account and the framework for your first course. In Chapter 2, Planning the Curriculum, you learned how to develop curriculum. Chapter 3, Producing Videos, reviewed how to produce videos for your courses; and in Chapter 4, Designing Exercises, you were shown how to design exercises and assessments for your course.
We are now at the crossroads where these components converge. Assuming you've already followed the instructions in Chapter 1, Getting Started, and created your edX course shell, we will now put your pedagogical plans into production. Focused on creating components into which you can integrate your instructional materials, in this...