Recipe 20: Making the Tracker Sortable
If you try to make each tracker field sortable, you may be disappointed with the result. If, for instance, you click on the Title column head, you will not get a nice alphabetical listing of all of the titles (even after setting each field in Views UI to be sortable).
The URL may look right:
, but the sorting is definitely wrong ("c" does not come after "j").
This is because the tracker is preset to sort by date. So, only items posted at the same time would sort alphabetically. You may modify this behavior, if you prefer.
Go to
, and override the tracker default view, by choosing Add.Give the view a new name (sortable_posts) and new URL (sortable_posts).
Go to the Fields fieldset and mark all the fields as Sortable. If you like, you can save the view now, and see how it works (or how it doesn't work).
Change the Comment: Last Comment Time default sort from None to Descending.
In the Sort...