Recipe 28: Using the Viewfield module
Two CCK content types
An existing view based on one of the content types
Viewfield module:
Token module:
Taxonomy module: Comes with core Drupal
Ubercart module and dependencies (optional): or
Viewfield is a CCK field type. It enables the contents of a view to be displayed in a node. In this recipe, we will display a view containing a list of products in a swim class node.
Installing modules
Install and enable the modules listed in the ingredients (Ubercart installation is optional. If you do install it, note the many module dependencies listed on the project page. You may also choose the Uberinstaller package for a full Drupal installation, plus Ubercart and all its dependent modules at once. Setup of Ubercart, a shopping cart program used to create the products, is beyond the scope of this book.)