The industry today
Viktor Farcic: I heard a theory that a big part of our problem in the industry is that we are carried today by people not appreciating operations. Kind of like, with Agile, suddenly we now have rockstars. The industry is saying, "It's a rockstar developer, that's a rockstar tester, that's a rockstar product owner," but nobody ever mentions operators in any context of a positive prize.
Damon Edwards: There might be something to that. I'm not sure if it's that certain people get rockstar status, but I'm more concerned with the mistreatment of so many IT workers than I am with the cushy lives of a few.
"I'm more concerned with the mistreatment of so many IT workers than I am with the cushy lives of a few."
—Damon Edwards
You can go to the far-flung corporate technology centers all over the world, really, and there are a lot of people in this business only because it pays...