Business process classification and BPMN
Business process modeling is aimed at capturing a range of information pertaining to how a business works and making this information available to a wide variety of stakeholders. This means that processes mapped in BPMN should easily be comprehensible across the organizational hierarchy. BPMN is therefore designed to cover a wide array of usages in its notation and allows the modeling of end-to-end business processes.
In general, BPMN can be used to model business processes, which are also called orchestrations. Furthermore, BPMN can be used to model choreographies and collaborations:
- Business processes (orchestrations) include:
- Private business processes
Private non-executable (internal) business processes
Private executable (internal) business processes
- Public business processes
- Private business processes
- Choreographies
- Collaborations, which can include
- Processes and/or
- Choreographies
In most cases, as in this book, BPMN is used as a standard notation designed to model most kinds...