Use cases
Sometimes, you just need examples to get inspired about how to leverage mobile devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and wearables, and to think about game-changing opportunities for your own business, for example, when combining these ideas with the capabilities BPM can deliver. Please find a nonprioritized listing here, categorized by possible fields of application:
Health: There is the ability to connect new sensors, such as those for blood pressure, diabetes, and so on, to mobile end devices to be able to offer tricorder-like functionalities, with backend services
Smart home: You have control over your own home as regards energy consumption, switching on energy-intensive consumers, remote control of heating, oven, lighting, alarm system, and so on
Transport: You can view mobile train/bus schedules and buy tickets
Tourism: There is access to onboard, cabin, and shopping systems on cruise ships; there is also support for tour guides
Logistics: There is support for using barcode...