Mobile solutions and SOA
Whether they are apps or mainly web-based, in enterprise contexts, mobile solutions almost always have to communicate with a backend. In simple terms, mobile frontends only offer a further output channel for applications that already exist anyway. Although true in principle, we see a lot of spaghetti architecture when mobile applications are built today, just as we saw 10–15 years ago before service-oriented design principles were understood.
All SOA principles that were built into our current system landscapes play out here now. You will be on the winning side when you can rely on basic principles that are implemented in your architecture, such as loose coupling, compositions, facades, and so on, so that service-oriented thinking in the backend comes fully into its own. New requirements can be implemented flexibly and quickly without major changes to the backend system.
Don't make the same mistake that we made so many years ago. Don't bring us into the hell of maintaining...