The TCircle component doesn't really add any relevant to the TShape implementation. As the intermediate class known as TEllipse, it only overrides the Paint method (and the PointInObjectLocal function) in order to properly draw the circle. It responds if a coordinate pair is actually inside or outside the shape (mostly to properly handle user interaction, such as clicks or touches).
However, circles are very common elements in modern UIs, so I thought it was worth having a closer look and covering a couple of use cases. Circles can be used to, for example, hold a profile picture (in a contact list or equivalent situations). By combining the Stroke and Fill capabilities, it is super easy to implement a UI element that shows a profile picture. Here are the steps you need to follow:
- Drop a TCircle component onto your form, set the Align property to Top, and set some Margins to get some space around your circle.
- Set the Stroke.Thickness property...