To experiment with the methods in this chapter, we will use Roboschool, which uses PyBullet as a physics engine and has 13 environments of various complexity. PyBullet has similar environments, but at the time of writing, it isn't possible to create several instances of the same environment due to an internal OpenGL issue.
In this chapter, we will explore two problems: RoboschoolHalfCheetah-v1, which models a two-legged creature, and RoboschoolAnt-v1, which has four legs. Their state and action spaces are very similar to the Minitaur environment that we saw in Chapter 17, Continuous Action Space: the state includes characteristics from joints, and the actions are activations of those joints. The goal for both is to move as far as possible, minimizing the energy spent. Figure 19.1 shows screenshots of the two environments.

Figure 19.1: Screenshots of two Roboschool environments: RoboschoolHalfCheetah and RoboschoolAnt
To install Roboschool, you need to follow...