Chapter 8: State of the art in Natural Language Processing
Activity 11: Build a Text Summarization Model
- Import the necessary Python packages and classes.
import os
import re
import pdb
import string
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from keras.utils import to_categorical
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
- Load the dataset and read the file.
path_data = "news_summary_small.csv"
df_text_file = pd.read_csv(path_data)
df_text_file.headlines = df_text_file.headlines.str.lower()
df_text_file.text = df_text_file.text.str.lower()
lengths_text = df_text_file.text.apply(len)
dataset = list(zip(df_text_file.text.values, df_text_file.headlines.values))
- Make vocab dictionary.
input_texts = []
target_texts = []
input_chars = set()
target_chars = set()
for line in dataset:
input_text, target_text = list(line[0]), list(line[1])
target_text = ['BEGIN_'] + target_text + ['_END']
for character in input_text:
if character not in input_chars:
for character in target_text:
if character not in target_chars:
input_chars = sorted(input_chars)
target_chars = sorted(target_chars)
human_vocab = dict(zip(input_chars, range(len(input_chars))))
machine_vocab = dict(zip(target_chars, range(len(target_chars))))
inv_machine_vocab = dict(enumerate(sorted(machine_vocab)))
def string_to_int(string_in, length, vocab):
Converts all strings in the vocabulary into a list of integers representing the positions of the
input string's characters in the "vocab"
string -- input string
length -- the number of time steps you'd like, determines if the output will be padded or cut
vocab -- vocabulary, dictionary used to index every character of your "string"
rep -- list of integers (or '<unk>') (size = length) representing the position of the string's character in the vocabulary
- Convert lowercase to standardize.
string_in = string_in.lower()
string_in = string_in.replace(',','')
if len(string_in) > length:
string_in = string_in[:length]
rep = list(map(lambda x: vocab.get(x, '<unk>'), string_in))
if len(string_in) < length:
rep += [vocab['<pad>']] * (length - len(string_in))
return rep
def preprocess_data(dataset, human_vocab, machine_vocab, Tx, Ty):
X, Y = zip(*dataset)
X = np.array([string_to_int(i, Tx, human_vocab) for i in X])
Y = [string_to_int(t, Ty, machine_vocab) for t in Y]
print("X shape from preprocess: {}".format(X.shape))
Xoh = np.array(list(map(lambda x: to_categorical(x, num_classes=len(human_vocab)), X)))
Yoh = np.array(list(map(lambda x: to_categorical(x, num_classes=len(machine_vocab)), Y)))
return X, np.array(Y), Xoh, Yoh
def softmax(x, axis=1):
"""Softmax activation function.
# Arguments
x : Tensor.
axis: Integer, axis along which the softmax normalization is applied.
# Returns
Tensor, output of softmax transformation.
# Raises
ValueError: In case 'dim(x) == 1'.
ndim = K.ndim(x)
if ndim == 2:
return K.softmax(x)
elif ndim > 2:
e = K.exp(x - K.max(x, axis=axis, keepdims=True))
s = K.sum(e, axis=axis, keepdims=True)
return e / s
raise ValueError('Cannot apply softmax to a tensor that is 1D')
- Run the previous code snippet to load data, get vocab dictionaries and define some utility functions to be used later. Define length of input characters and output characters.
Tx = 460
Ty = 75
X, Y, Xoh, Yoh = preprocess_data(dataset, human_vocab, machine_vocab, Tx, Ty)
Define the model functions (Repeator, Concatenate, Densors, Dotor)
# Defined shared layers as global variables
repeator = RepeatVector(Tx)
concatenator = Concatenate(axis=-1)
densor1 = Dense(10, activation = "tanh")
densor2 = Dense(1, activation = "relu")
activator = Activation(softmax, name='attention_weights')
dotor = Dot(axes = 1)
Define one-step-attention function:
def one_step_attention(h, s_prev):
Performs one step of attention: Outputs a context vector computed as a dot product of the attention weights
"alphas" and the hidden states "h" of the Bi-LSTM.
h -- hidden state output of the Bi-LSTM, numpy-array of shape (m, Tx, 2*n_h)
s_prev -- previous hidden state of the (post-attention) LSTM, numpy-array of shape (m, n_s)
context -- context vector, input of the next (post-attetion) LSTM cell
- Use repeator to repeat s_prev to be of shape (m, Tx, n_s) so that you can concatenate it with all hidden states "a"
s_prev = repeator(s_prev)
- Use concatenator to concatenate a and s_prev on the last axis (≈ 1 line)
concat = concatenator([h, s_prev])
- Use densor1 to propagate concat through a small fully-connected neural network to compute the "intermediate energies" variable e.
e = densor1(concat)
- Use densor2 to propagate e through a small fully-connected neural network to compute the "energies" variable energies.
energies = densor2(e)
- Use "activator" on "energies" to compute the attention weights "alphas"
alphas = activator(energies)
- Use dotor together with "alphas" and "a" to compute the context vector to be given to the next (post-attention) LSTM-cell
context = dotor([alphas, h])
return context
Define the number of hidden states for decoder and encoder.
n_h = 32
n_s = 64
post_activation_LSTM_cell = LSTM(n_s, return_state = True)
output_layer = Dense(len(machine_vocab), activation=softmax)
Define the model architecture and run it to obtain a model.
def model(Tx, Ty, n_h, n_s, human_vocab_size, machine_vocab_size):
Tx -- length of the input sequence
Ty -- length of the output sequence
n_h -- hidden state size of the Bi-LSTM
n_s -- hidden state size of the post-attention LSTM
human_vocab_size -- size of the python dictionary "human_vocab"
machine_vocab_size -- size of the python dictionary "machine_vocab"
model -- Keras model instance
- Define the inputs of your model with a shape (Tx,)
- Define s0 and c0, initial hidden state for the decoder LSTM of shape (n_s,)
X = Input(shape=(Tx, human_vocab_size), name="input_first")
s0 = Input(shape=(n_s,), name='s0')
c0 = Input(shape=(n_s,), name='c0')
s = s0
c = c0
- Initialize empty list of outputs
outputs = []
- Define your pre-attention Bi-LSTM. Remember to use return_sequences=True.
a = Bidirectional(LSTM(n_h, return_sequences=True))(X)
# Iterate for Ty steps
for t in range(Ty):
# Perform one step of the attention mechanism to get back the context vector at step t
context = one_step_attention(h, s)
- Apply the post-attention LSTM cell to the "context" vector.
# Pass: initial_state = [hidden state, cell state]
s, _, c = post_activation_LSTM_cell(context, initial_state = [s,c])
- Apply Dense layer to the hidden state output of the post-attention LSTM
out = output_layer(s)
- Append "out" to the "outputs" list
- Create model instance taking three inputs and returning the list of outputs.
model = Model(inputs=[X, s0, c0], outputs=outputs)
return model
model = model(Tx, Ty, n_h, n_s, len(human_vocab), len(machine_vocab))
#Define model loss functions and other hyperparameters. Also #initialize decoder state vectors.
opt = Adam(lr = 0.005, beta_1=0.9, beta_2=0.999, decay = 0.01)
model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=opt, metrics=['accuracy'])
s0 = np.zeros((10000, n_s))
c0 = np.zeros((10000, n_s))
outputs = list(Yoh.swapaxes(0,1))
Fit the model to our data:[Xoh, s0, c0], outputs, epochs=1, batch_size=100)
#Run inference step for the new text.
EXAMPLES = ["Last night a meteorite was seen flying near the earth's moon."]
for example in EXAMPLES:
source = string_to_int(example, Tx, human_vocab)
source = np.array(list(map(lambda x: to_categorical(x, num_classes=len(human_vocab)), source)))
source = source[np.newaxis, :]
prediction = model.predict([source, s0, c0])
prediction = np.argmax(prediction, axis = -1)
output = [inv_machine_vocab[int(i)] for i in prediction]
print("source:", example)
print("output:", ''.join(output))
The output is as follows:
![Figure 8.18: Text summarization model output](