We learned a good deal about scripting in this chapter, but more specifically we focused on the use of Flow Graph. As we saw, Flow Graph is a very useful visual scripting tool as it gives us the ability to very quickly access functions directly within the CryENGINE SDK. We saw that it was made up of component and entity nodes, and that they are stored on entities within our levels. We created a few examples, and also learned the functions and details of some of the more useful flow nodes. Finally, we saw how to debug our Flow Graphs to know exactly what values are being passed and what ports are being triggered in a visual way.
Using Flow Graph is just one level of scripting available to us in the CryENGINE SDK. In the beginning of the chapter, we introduced the Lua scripting language. In the next chapter, we will learn how to make our very own game code and Lua entities. The techniques learned in this chapter will be helpful in experimenting with the custom entity and game code that...