A CPU is the electronic component that runs programs, performs arithmetic functions, and manages data and the input and output functions of a computer. A multiprocessor is a single computer with two or more CPUs, either symmetrical or asymmetrical. In SMP, CPUs are equal and share resources, but in ASMP, one CPU is a master and all other CPUs are slaves. Multiprocessing computers support SIMD, MISD, and MIMD. Multi-core processing involves a single microprocessor that contains multiple processors or cores.
Computer systems use several types of cache memory, including browser cache, disk cache, memory cache, and processor cache. Cache memory provides data to a CPU faster than from main memory. CPU systems include three levels of cache memory: L3, L2, and L1.
CPU speed, measured in MHz, is a function of FSB. The CPU's internal frequency applies the CPU multiplier to...