Red Hat Package Manager, also known as RPM, is a program for installing, uninstalling, and managing software packages in RPM-based Linux distributions. There are various utilities that make use of the rpm utility in the backend, such as yum and dnf, to name two. This is similar in nature to its counterpart, the dpkg utility. Whenever there are dependency requirements, you usually have to go out and manually find the necessary files in order to install them. The packages that rpm manages all end with an rpm extension.
To begin with, we can check for an rpm signature against a package, and we will use the --checksig option:
[root@localhost Downloads]# rpm --checksig gnome-calculator-3.22.3-1.el7.x86_64.rpm
gnome-calculator-3.22.3-1.el7.x86_64.rpm: rsa sha1 (md5) pgp md5 OK
[root@localhost Downloads]#
Based on the preceding output, the signatures have passed the checks using the...