Designing reports
This section is all about the design elements of a report. This is something that is often ignored, and several people have wondered why it is in the exam, but I promise it is important. A lot of these things are to make your reports cleaner and easier to understand, but they also make your reports look more professional. Even if you are a great data analyst, if your reports look like a two-year-old hopped up on sugar went hog-wild with an entire box of crayons, no one will take you or your report seriously. The sad truth is that you will often be judged by the polish of your work more than its content. Let’s figure out how to make your reports shine!
Before we talk about anything else, we will talk about corporate reporting, specifically branding. Some companies, especially larger ones, will have a brand, or a specific image they want to project. That means that they may have color codes, logos, watermarks, fonts, layouts, or even full templates...