We have come a long way in this chapter. We ran through the history and ancestry of microblogs and also Twitter, the most popular microblog around. Then we jumped into the reasons why Twitter was so popular and also described the main features of Twitter.
Next, we went into designing a clone of Twitter, called Tweetclone. Tweetclone implemented most of the main features of Twitter, except for the search and search-related features, which will be covered in further depth in the chapter on search engines. This provided us with the outline and rationale of the application to be developed in the later section.
After the design we went into the implementation of Tweetclone. First we described and implemented the data model used in Tweetclone. Tweetclone consists of two major entities—the User and the Status. Next we described the flow of the application and how it is used. We went through authenticating and managing users, displaying and updating statuses, sending and displaying direct...