The Quick Korma Crash Course
This is the ultra quick and dirty guide to Korma. We'll use the existing artists and albums tables in the hipstr database, between which a simple 1-artist-to-many-albums relationship exists:
We'll gloss over just enough to make use of Korma for these two tables and how they relate to one another in the database. You can get a far more detailed and richer overview of everything Korma provides by visiting the official site at
Define the database specification
You define the database Korma will use by using the korma.db/defdb
macro. The defdb
macro accepts a standard JDBC database map, similar to the one we created in the hipstr.models.connection
(defdb hipstr-db {:classname "org.postgresql.Driver" :subprotocol "postgresql" :subname "//localhost/postgres" :user "hipstr" :password "p455w0rd...