Printing it out
The standard file format for screenplays is Adobe's Portable Document Format or PDF. Celtx, as we learned in Chapter 2, generates a PDF file from our scripts that we can save on our computers. However, it does not do the actual creation locally.
This means—when it is time to format—an Internet connection must be available. Celtx sends the script to a server out there somewhere (we don't care where), turns it into a PDF, and returns it to us (without saving anything out there, by the way). By doing this, Celtx gives us more formatting power than our own computer can and keeps our local software lean but powerful and, above all, free.
To turn your script into a PDF, left click on the TypeSet/PDF button at the bottom of the main script window, as shown in the following screenshot:

Celtx takes a moment to work its magic (a progress bar runs at the top of the main script window while formatting is occurring)—the script is transferred to the formatting server which sends back a PDF...