Time for action - call sheets, shooting schedules, and other reports
At the bottom of the Production Schedule Window, we have a Reports tab. Click on it to get reports generated by Celtx using our scheduling information. These reports are Month (monthly schedules ready to be printed), Week (a breakdown of scenes and other events for each week), One Line Schedule (a list of scenes per day with descriptions, day or night, eighths, and cast), Shooting Schedule (shows on what day each scene is to be shot and the cast), Call Sheet (call sheets inform actors, extras, and crews where they need to be and when), and Scene Summary (shows unscheduled, scheduled, and completed scenes).
The following screenshot shows part of a Shooting Schedule. To get the other reports, click on the name of the report in the Reports box, lower left.
To sum it up: we enter things about scheduling in the Production Schedule. We output specific types of reports, based on the information we enter or Celtx generates automatically...