Audio play elements
A Celtx audio play script contains eight possible script elements: Scene Heading, Production Note, Character, Dialog, Parenthetical, Sound, Voice, and Music.
The drop-down menu at the top of the main Audio Play script window works just like those in the three previous scripts we've looked at—Film, Audio-Visual, and Theatre (in each of the three previous chapters respectively).
Scene heading: Umm, calling them scenes in a radio play might seem sort of counterintuitive (means "not logical, Spock"). By now, we've seen how scenes are used in movies, plays, and even audio-visual productions to describe and show action. Well, we do exactly that in writing a radio play scene, except all the action takes place inside the listener's head.
Radio plays as an art form are closer to short stories in scope and power of imagination than movies are.
I'm a long-time writer and a few (okay, a lot of) years ago, I wrote in an article that "...writing lets you intimately touch strangers...