Time for action – adding a new Tree Rule
Logon to the Cacti web interface with administrator privileges.
Go to Templates | Tree Rules.
You will see the following table with some default entries:
Click on the Add link to the top right of that page.
You should now see the new Tree Rule Selection.
Enter Country A as the Name.
Select Customer A as the Tree.
Select Host as the Leaf Item Type.
Select Graph Template as the Graph Grouping Style.
The form should look like the following screenshot:
Click on Create
Some additional tables and fields should now appear, as shown in the following screenshot:
Click on the Add link of the Rule Items => Eligible Object table.
You can now create a new Rule Item.
Select HOST: ebEnhancedInfo_country as the Field Name.
Select contains as the Operator.
Enter Country A as the Matching Pattern. This can also be a regular expression depending on the Operator being used.
Your new Rule Items should now look like the following screenshot:
Click on the Save button.
Now you should...