Time for action – adding a Graph Rule
Go to Templates | Graph Rules.
Click on the Add link to the top right of the table.
Enter IfOperStatus - UP - 64bit as the Name.
Select SNMP – Interface Statistics as the Data Query as seen in the following screenshot:
Click on the Create button.
Select In/Out Bits (64-bit Counters) as the Graph Type.
Check on the checkbox next to Enable Rule.
Add some Rule Items => Eligible Hosts, so your rules look as shown in the following screenshot:
Now click on the Add link on the Rule Items => Create Graph table.
Select ifOperStatus – Status as the Field Name.
Select contains as the Operator.
Enter up as the Matching Pattern.
Click on the Save button.
Your new graph rule should now look like the following screenshot:
What just happened?
You just created a new graph rule for adding traffic graphs with 64-bit counters to any interface that is up. You can use the links at the top right of the graph rule screen to check which hosts and interfaces match your selection....