Managing applications
You will be able to view and manage the applications to your jobs and the applicants' resumes. You will also be able to contact your applicant with the module.
Viewing List Applications
Applications are received from the candidates who have applied for jobs. To view the list of applications from Jobs! Pro admin panel, click on List Applications.
The window List Applications will be displayed. In this window, you will see the list of applications received from the candidates.
Editing applications
To edit applications from the admin panel, you must go to the List Applications window, then select an application by putting a check and click on Edit.
Now, the window Update Application will open. You will see following five tabs in this window—Resume, Job Details, Application Details, Email History, and Application History.
In the default tab Resume, you will see a cover letter and the applicant's resume.
The next tab Job Details displays the details of your job. You cannot...