Defining the Twin of Twins
In this context, terms such as composite twins, twin of twins, and system of systems are often used. Let's use the example of the energy ecosystem to understand this concept. In the energy ecosystem, we look at the hierarchy as follows:
- An energy value chain that will consist of a) generation, b) transmission, c) distribution, and d) consumption, as shown in Figure 8.1. The grid can have one or many generation sources.
- Energy generation can be broadly divided into a) fossil fuel or non-renewable sources and b) renewable sources.
- With renewable sources, we can look at a) wind, b) solar, and c) hydro.
- Wind farms can be a) onshore (land) or b) offshore (water).
- Each wind farm will often consist of several turbines.
- Each wind turbine has several sub-systems or sub-assemblies and components.