Chapter 3. Installing sipXecs
sipXecs can be installed by compiling for a specific Linux distribution, by RPM to an existing Linux installation or from a single CD ISO installer (an ISO is an image file of a CD that be used to burn a CD). This installation chapter will focus only on the single CD ISO installer. Methods for installing from RPM or compiling sipXecs from source can be found in the sipXecs Wiki (linked at This chapter will cover:
Completing the cabling requirements
Completing the network infrastructure requirements
Installing sipXecs
Complete cabling requirements
Make sure that the network drops are available wherever phones are required. Review the notes collected for each user and phone to make sure that none are missed. By utilizing network drops for standard analog phones as well as IP phones, future cabling may not be required if an IP phone is desired at some point.
In most cases the demarc is in a location that is not particularly well suited...