Complete cabling requirements
Make sure that the network drops are available wherever phones are required. Review the notes collected for each user and phone to make sure that none are missed. By utilizing network drops for standard analog phones as well as IP phones, future cabling may not be required if an IP phone is desired at some point.
In most cases the demarc is in a location that is not particularly well suited for computer equipment. Extend the demarc where the gateways will be located. In the location of the gareway(s), the phone lines are broken out according to the type of connection required by the selected gateways. For example, most analog gateways require RJ-11 plugs, so have the phone lines broken out onto RJ-11 plugs so that typical phone patch cords can be used to connect to the gateway(s).
The following diagram illustrates how connection blocks are utilized along with a 25 pair feeder cable to extend the demarc to where the gateway equipment will be located.
Ensure that...