Finishing the handgrip
Right now, our handgrip (or handle) looks fairly plain. Let's work on this for a while, and see if we can get a better look at it.
The first thing we'll do is select the large face at the side of the handgrip:

We'll duplicate this by pressing Shift + D and move it back a bit:

To add a little more detail, let's run a couple of loop cuts across this face by pressing Ctrl + R + wheel up (rolling the mouse wheel changes the number of edge loops):

Then, we can drag the lower section back a bit by selecting the bottom-right edge and moving it to the Y axis:

Next, let's run another edge loop vertically so that we can start forming the shape of the cut-out (for the grip):

We'll delete these unneeded faces. Next, let's grab this front edge and pull it forward:

Then, we'll extrude everything across the whole plane to get the basic shape. Before going further, you'll want to remove the faces inside of the mesh (right where the two have joined at the mirror modifier). We...