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Penetration Testing with the Bash shell
Keith Makan
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- Perform network enumeration techniques with Dig, whois, dnsenum, dnsmap, and others
- Learn how to fuzz and reverse engineer using the Kali Linux command line tools
- Exploit common web application vulnerabilities using skipfish, arcachi, and sqlmap
- Accomplish man-in-the-middle attacks straight from your command line
- Assess SSL security using sslyze and openssl
- Carry out network traffic analysis using tcpdump
Bash Cookbook
Ron Brash, Ganesh Naik
ISBN: 978-1-78862-936-2
- Understand the basics of Bash shell scripting on a Linux system
- Gain working knowledge of how redirections and pipes interact
- Retrieve and parse input or output of any command
- Automate tasks such as data collection and creating and applying...