- acceptance tests
- about / Testing concepts, approaches, and planning
- advanced HTML fixtures / Creating HTML fixtures for view tests
- after() function / Mocha and Chai BDD interfaces
- after function / Playing in the sandbox with Sinon.JS test helpers
- anonymous spies
- about / Anonymous spies
- App.Views.NoteNav view
- about / The Notes menu bar view
- App.Views.NotesItem view / The list item view
- application
- designing / Designing an application and test repository structure
- reconfiguring, for testing / Reconfiguring the application for testing
- application components
- test code, organizing into / Organizing topics and specifications into test suites
- application interactions
- testing / Testing application interactions and events
- application testing
- about / Dipping our toes in the application testing waters
- namespace / Namespace
- Note model / Note model
- application tests
- running / Running the application tests, Aggregating and running the application tests
- aggregating / Aggregating and running the application tests
- array validation, Chai / Object and array validation
- assertion library, Chai / A tour of the Chai assertion library
- assertions
- chaining / Chaining objects and assertions
- assertion styles, Chai
- BDD style / Chai assertion styles
- assert style / Chai assertion styles
- assert style / Chai assertion styles
- asynchronous behavior, in tests / Asynchronous behavior in tests
- Backbone.Collection class
- about / A Backbone.js refresher
- Backbone.Events module
- about / A Backbone.js refresher
- Backbone.js
- about / A Backbone.js refresher
- core library components / A Backbone.js refresher, Testing individual Backbone.js components
- URL, for documentation / A Backbone.js refresher
- online and print resources / A Backbone.js refresher
- collection tests / Some Backbone.js collection tests
- Backbone.js application
- selecting, for test / Selecting a Backbone.js application to test
- remote backend, faking / Faking the remote backend in a Backbone.js application
- Backbone.js components
- testing, with spies / Testing Backbone.js components with spies
- Backbone.js tests
- running, with PhantomJS / Running Backbone.js tests with PhantomJS
- Backbone.localStorage
- about / The anatomy of the Notes application
- Backbone.Model class
- about / A Backbone.js refresher
- Backbone.Router
- about / A Backbone.js refresher
- Backbone.View object
- about / A Backbone.js refresher
- BDD style / Chai assertion styles
- before() function / Mocha and Chai BDD interfaces
- beforeEach() function / Mocha and Chai BDD interfaces
- before function / Playing in the sandbox with Sinon.JS test helpers
- behavior
- verifying, with mocks / Faking and verifying behavior with Sinon.JS mocks, Deciding when to mock
- facking, with mocks / Faking and verifying behavior with Sinon.JS mocks, Deciding when to mock
- Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) / Chai
- about / Test paradigms and methods, Mocha test interfaces
- Blanket.js
- about / Parting thoughts, next steps, and future ideas
- Bootstrap
- about / The anatomy of the Notes application
- browser environments
- automating / Automating browser environments
- Chai
- about / Getting the test libraries, Chai
- URL / Chai, Parting thoughts, next steps, and future ideas
- assertion styles / Chai assertion styles
- BDD interface / Mocha and Chai BDD interfaces
- TDD interface / Mocha TDD and Chai assert styles
- language chain objects / Chaining objects and assertions
- value assertions / Basic value assertions
- comparison functions / Comparing values
- object and array validation / Object and array validation
- program exceptions, verifying / Errors
- Chai assertion library
- about / A tour of the Chai assertion library
- objects, chaining / Chaining objects and assertions
- assertions, chaining / Chaining objects and assertions
- Chai assertion styles
- BDD style / Chai assertion styles
- assert style / Chai assertion styles
- Chai assert style
- about / Mocha TDD and Chai assert styles
- Chai BDD interface
- about / Mocha and Chai BDD interfaces
- Chai plugins
- about / Introducing and installing Chai plugins
- installing / Introducing and installing Chai plugins
- code samples
- tests, automating / Automating tests in the code samples
- collections
- about / A Backbone.js refresher, Collections
- collection tests, Backbone.js / Some Backbone.js collection tests
- command line tests
- about / Automating tests in the code samples
- comparison functions, Chai
- equal / Comparing values
- eql / Comparing values
- above / Comparing values
- least / Comparing values
- below / Comparing values
- most / Comparing values
- within / Comparing values
- closeTo / Comparing values
- match / Comparing values
- string / Comparing values
- satisfy / Comparing values
- continuous deployment server / Continuous deployment
- continuous integration server
- about / Automating tests in the code samples
- core library components, Backbone.js
- events / A Backbone.js refresher
- models / A Backbone.js refresher, Models
- collections / A Backbone.js refresher, Collections
- templates / A Backbone.js refresher, Templates
- views / A Backbone.js refresher, Views
- routers / A Backbone.js refresher, Routers
- testing / Testing individual Backbone.js components
- utilities / Utilities
- testing, with stubs / Testing Backbone.js components with stubs and mocks, Ensuring stubs and mocks are actually bound
- testing, with mocks / Testing Backbone.js components with stubs and mocks, Ensuring stubs and mocks are actually bound
- cross-browser testing
- about / Other scenarios
- describe() function / Mocha and Chai BDD interfaces
- events
- about / A Backbone.js refresher, Events
- expect assertion / Deciding on the project style
- expectation.atLeast(num) method / The mock API
- expectation.atMost(num) method / The mock API
- expectation.exactly(num) method / The mock API
- expectation.never() method / The mock API
- expectation.on(obj) method / The mock API
- expectation.once() method / The mock API
- expectation.thrice() method / The mock API
- expectation.twice() method / The mock API
- expectation.verify() method / The mock API
- expectation.withArgs(arg1, arg2, ...) method / The mock API
- expectation.withExactArgs(arg1, arg2, ...) method / The mock API
- exports interface
- about / Mocha test interfaces
- fake server API
- about / The fake server API
- fake servers
- about / Fake servers
- fake timers
- about / Fake timers
- fetch() method / Asynchronous behavior in tests
- full integration tests
- about / Testing concepts, approaches, and planning
- functional units, Mocha BDD interface
- before() / Mocha and Chai BDD interfaces
- after() / Mocha and Chai BDD interfaces
- describe() / Mocha and Chai BDD interfaces
- it() / Mocha and Chai BDD interfaces
- functional units, Mocha TDD interface
- suiteSetup() / Mocha TDD and Chai assert styles
- setup() / Mocha TDD and Chai assert styles
- suiteTeardown() / Mocha TDD and Chai assert styles
- teardown() / Mocha TDD and Chai assert styles
- suite() / Mocha TDD and Chai assert styles
- test() / Mocha TDD and Chai assert styles
- function spies
- about / Function spies
- GitHub
- about / Continuous integration
- grep feature / Test report actions
- guards
- about / Other scenarios
- headless testing, PhantomJS / Headless testing with PhantomJS
- headless web browsers / Headless web browsers
- hosted test automation providers
- about / Remote controlled web browsers
- HTML fixtures
- creating, for view tests / Creating HTML fixtures for view tests
- installation, Chai plugins / Introducing and installing Chai plugins
- installation, PhantomJS / Installing PhantomJS and the supporting tools
- it() function / Mocha and Chai BDD interfaces
- Jasmine
- about / Mocha
- Jenkins
- about / Continuous integration
- URL / Continuous integration
- JSDom
- about / Simulated browser environments
- URL / Simulated browser environments
- JSHint
- about / Parting thoughts, next steps, and future ideas
- Karma
- URL / Multiple environment aggregators
- language chain objects, Chai
- about / Chaining objects and assertions
- not / Chaining objects and assertions
- deep / Chaining objects and assertions
- list item view
- about / The list item view
- testing / Testing the list item view
- Local Application
- about / Selecting a Backbone.js application to test
- menu bar view
- about / The menu bar view
- testing / Testing and spying on the menu bar view
- spying / Testing and spying on the menu bar view
- method behaviors
- replacing, with Sinon.JS stubs / Replacing method behaviors with Sinon.JS stubs
- Mocha
- about / Getting the test libraries, Mocha
- need for / Mocha
- test interfaces / Mocha test interfaces
- BDD interface / Mocha and Chai BDD interfaces
- TDD interface / Mocha TDD and Chai assert styles
- URL / Parting thoughts, next steps, and future ideas
- Mocha BDD interface
- about / Mocha and Chai BDD interfaces
- functional units / Mocha and Chai BDD interfaces
- Mocha TDD interface
- about / Mocha TDD and Chai assert styles
- Mocha test interfaces
- Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) / Mocha test interfaces
- Test-Driven Development (TDD) / Mocha test interfaces
- exports / Mocha test interfaces
- QUnit-styled / Mocha test interfaces
- Mocha test runner
- about / The Mocha test runner
- Mocha test specifications
- writing / Writing Mocha test specifications
- mock.expects(methodName) method / The mock API
- mock.restore() method / The mock API
- mock.verify() method / The mock API
- mock API
- about / The mock API
- mocks
- about / Sinon.JS, Fake it 'til you make it, Faking and verifying behavior with Sinon.JS mocks, Deciding when to mock
- behavior, verifying with / Faking and verifying behavior with Sinon.JS mocks, Deciding when to mock
- behavior, faking with / Faking and verifying behavior with Sinon.JS mocks, Deciding when to mock
- Backbone.js components, testing / Testing Backbone.js components with stubs and mocks, Ensuring stubs and mocks are actually bound
- Model-View-Controller (MVC)
- about / A Backbone.js refresher
- models
- about / A Backbone.js refresher, Models
- MongoDB
- URL / Faking the remote backend in a Backbone.js application
- multiple environment aggregators / Multiple environment aggregators
- Node.js Express
- URL / Faking the remote backend in a Backbone.js application
- Notes application
- about / Getting acquainted with the Notes application
- anatomy / The anatomy of the Notes application
- router, testing / The Notes application router
- components, searching / Finding the rest of the Notes application components
- Notes application single note view
- about / The Notes application single note view
- Notes list item view / The Notes list item view, The list item view
- Notes menu bar view
- about / The Notes menu bar view, The menu bar view
- testing / Testing and spying on the menu bar view
- spying / Testing and spying on the menu bar view
- Notes single note view
- about / The Notes single note view, The single note view
- testing / Testing the single note view
- object method spies
- about / Object method spies
- objects
- chaining / Chaining objects and assertions
- object validation, Chai / Object and array validation
- partial integrations
- about / Partial integrations
- partial integration tests
- about / Testing concepts, approaches, and planning
- performance/load tests
- about / Testing concepts, approaches, and planning
- PhantomJS
- about / Getting the test libraries, Remote controlled web browsers, Headless web browsers
- URL / Headless web browsers
- headless testing / Headless testing with PhantomJS
- installing / Installing PhantomJS and the supporting tools
- Backbone.js tests, running with / Running Backbone.js tests with PhantomJS
- project style
- deciding / Deciding on the project style
- QUnit-styled interface
- about / Mocha test interfaces
- QUnit test framework
- URL / Mocha test interfaces
- regression tests
- about / Testing concepts, approaches, and planning
- remote backend
- faking, in Backbone.js application / Faking the remote backend in a Backbone.js application
- remote controlled web browsers / Remote controlled web browsers
- restore() function / Object method spies
- router routes
- about / Ensuring stubs and mocks are actually bound
- routers
- about / A Backbone.js refresher, Routers
- testing, in Notes application / The Notes application router
- router tests
- running / Running the view and router tests
- Safari
- about / Headless web browsers
- sandbox
- about / Playing in the sandbox with Sinon.JS test helpers
- Sauce Labs
- about / Remote controlled web browsers
- URL / Remote controlled web browsers
- Selenium
- about / Remote controlled web browsers
- URL / Remote controlled web browsers
- server.respond() method / The fake server API
- server.respondWith(method, url, response) method / The fake server API
- server.respondWith(response) method / The fake server API
- server.restore() method / The fake server API
- Server Application
- about / Selecting a Backbone.js application to test
- setTimeout() function / Test timing and slow tests, Playing in the sandbox with Sinon.JS test helpers
- setup() function / The Mocha test runner
- setup() method / Mocha TDD and Chai assert styles
- Showdown
- about / The anatomy of the Notes application
- simulated browser environments / Simulated browser environments
- single note view
- about / The single note view
- testing / Testing the single note view
- Sinon-Chai plugin
- about / Introducing and installing Chai plugins
- sinon.fakeServer.create() method / The fake server API
- Sinon.JS
- about / Getting the test libraries, Sinon.JS, Getting to know Sinon.JS
- URL / Sinon.JS, Parting thoughts, next steps, and future ideas
- spying, on functions / Spying on functions with Sinon.JS
- test helpers / Playing in the sandbox with Sinon.JS test helpers
- URL, for sandbox documentation / Playing in the sandbox with Sinon.JS test helpers
- spy API / Delving into the Sinon.JS spy API
- asynchronous callbacks, in stubbed methods / The stub API
- Sinon.JS plugin
- about / The Sinon.JS plugin
- spy-related assertions / The Sinon.JS plugin
- Sinon.JS stubs
- method behaviors, replacing with / Replacing method behaviors with Sinon.JS stubs
- Sinon.JS test helpers
- about / A few more Sinon.JS test helpers
- fake timers / Fake timers
- fake servers / Fake servers
- sinon.mock(obj) method / The mock API
- sinon.stub() method / The stub API
- sinon.stub(obj) method / The stub API
- sinon.stub(obj, methodName) method / The stub API
- sinon.stub(obj, methodName, fn) method / The stub API
- sinon.test sandbox function / Playing in the sandbox with Sinon.JS test helpers
- slow tests
- about / Test timing and slow tests
- spies
- about / Sinon.JS, Fake it 'til you make it
- used, for testing Backbone.js components / Testing Backbone.js components with spies
- spy.alwaysReturned(obj) method / The spy API
- spy.callCount(num) method / The spy API
- spy.called method / The spy API
- spy.calledWith* method / The spy API
- spy.firstCall property / The spy call API
- spy.getCall(n) method / The spy call API
- spy.lastCall property / The spy call API
- spy.notCalledWith* method / The spy API
- spy.returned(obj) method / The spy API
- spy.secondCall property / The spy call API
- spy.thirdCall property / The spy call API
- spy.threw() method / The spy API
- spy API
- about / The spy API
- spy assertions
- about / Spy assertions
- spyCall.calledOn(obj) method / The spy call API
- spyCall.calledWith* method / The spy call API
- spyCall.notCalledWith* method / The spy call API
- spyCall.returnValue property / The spy call API
- spyCall.threw() method / The spy call API
- spy call API
- about / The spy call API
- stub.callsArg* method / The stub API
- stub.callsArgWith(index, arg1, arg2, ...) method / The stub API
- stub.returns(obj) method / The stub API
- stub.throws() method / The stub API
- stub.yields(arg1, arg2, ...) method / The stub API
- stub.yieldsOn(context, arg1, arg2, ...) method / The stub API
- stub.yieldsTo(property, arg1, arg2, ...) method / The stub API
- stub.yieldsToOn(property, context, arg1, arg2, ...) method / The stub API
- stub API
- about / The stub API
- URL, for documentation / The stub API
- stubs
- about / Sinon.JS, Fake it 'til you make it, Getting started with stubs
- Backbone.js components, testing / Testing Backbone.js components with stubs and mocks, Ensuring stubs and mocks are actually bound
- suite() method / Mocha TDD and Chai assert styles
- suiteSetup() method / Mocha TDD and Chai assert styles
- suiteTeardown() method / Mocha TDD and Chai assert styles
- teardown() method / Mocha TDD and Chai assert styles
- templates
- about / A Backbone.js refresher, Templates
- test
- Backbone.js application, selecting for / Selecting a Backbone.js application to test
- test() method / Mocha TDD and Chai assert styles
- Test-Driven Development (TDD) / Chai
- about / Test paradigms and methods, Mocha test interfaces
- testable application code
- writing / Writing testable application code
- test code
- organizing, into topics / Organizing topics and specifications into test suites
- orgainizing, into application components / Organizing topics and specifications into test suites
- test development
- tips / Test development tips, tricks, and hints, Isolating and excluding tests
- tricks / Test development tips, tricks, and hints, Isolating and excluding tests
- hints / Test development tips, tricks, and hints, Isolating and excluding tests, Writing testable application code
- test doubles
- about / Fake it 'til you make it
- test driver page
- about / The test driver page
- Testem
- URL / Multiple environment aggregators
- test failures
- about / Test failures
- test infrastructure
- scenarios / The world of testing beyond humans and browsers, Continuous deployment
- continuous integration / Continuous integration
- continuous deployment / Continuous deployment
- testing
- application, reconfiguring for / Reconfiguring the application for testing
- testing and automation techniques
- about / Parting thoughts, next steps, and future ideas
- style checking / Parting thoughts, next steps, and future ideas
- code coverage / Parting thoughts, next steps, and future ideas
- test interfaces, Mocha
- Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) / Mocha test interfaces
- Test-Driven Development (TDD) / Mocha test interfaces
- exports / Mocha test interfaces
- QUnit-styled / Mocha test interfaces
- test libraries
- obtaining / Getting the test libraries, Mocha, Chai, Sinon.JS
- Mocha / Mocha
- Chai / Chai
- Sinon.JS / Sinon.JS
- test methods
- about / Test paradigms and methods
- test paradigms
- about / Test paradigms and methods
- test plan
- about / Testing concepts, approaches, and planning
- test report
- about / The first test report
- actions / Test report actions
- test repository structure
- designing / Designing an application and test repository structure
- test results
- running / The first test report, Test report actions
- assessing / The first test report, Test report actions
- tests
- setting up / Setting up and writing our first tests
- writing / Setting up and writing our first tests
- adding / Adding some tests
- orgainizing / Getting the application and tests ready to run
- starting up / Starting up and winding down tests
- winding down / Starting up and winding down tests
- asynchronous behavior / Asynchronous behavior in tests
- automating, in code samples / Automating tests in the code samples
- test speed
- about / Test timing and slow tests
- test style
- selecting / Choosing a test style that fits
- throw assertion / Errors
- TodoMVC
- URL / The anatomy of the Notes application
- topics
- test code, organizing into / Organizing topics and specifications into test suites
- Travis
- URL / Continuous integration
- about / Continuous integration
- unit tests
- about / Testing concepts, approaches, and planning
- usability tests
- about / Testing concepts, approaches, and planning
- utilities
- about / Utilities
- value assertions, Chai / Basic value assertions
- view events
- about / Ensuring stubs and mocks are actually bound
- views
- about / A Backbone.js refresher, Views
- supporting / Testing and supporting Backbone.js views
- running / Running the view and router tests
- view tests
- HTML fixtures, creating for / Creating HTML fixtures for view tests
- hooking up / Hooking up and running the view tests
- running / Hooking up and running the view tests
- view test suite
- about / Walking through the view test suite
- watchers
- about / Other scenarios
- web drivers
- about / Remote controlled web browsers
- WebKit
- about / Headless web browsers
- URL / Headless web browsers
- XMLHttpRequest (XHR) / Fake servers
- Zombie.js
- URL / Simulated browser environments
- about / Simulated browser environments