Lambda supports triggers from almost any AWS service, including, but not limited to, the following:
- Amazon S3
- Amazon Kinesis
- Amazon SNS, SQS, and SES
- Amazon Cognito
- AWS CloudFormation and AWS Config
- Amazon CloudWatch Logs and Events (supports scheduled events)
- Amazon API Gateway (including custom invocations through HTTP links)
- AWS CodeCommit, CodeBuild, IoT Button, Alexa, Lex, CloudFront, and so on
There are two types of invocations supported for the Lambda service:
- Push: An event in an AWS service or a custom event can invoke the lambda function
- Pull: The Lambda service polls an AWS services stream or queue and retrieves tasks
An example of a push-based Lambda invocation would be an image-processing app. The users would upload files to an S3 bucket, and the event of the S3 file being uploaded can trigger a Lambda function. That Lambda function can...