Retrograde by Zapier – using astrological predictions in your Zaps
You can use the Retrograde by Zapier built-in app to trigger your workflows based on Mercury retrograde astrological predictions. You can choose to trigger your workflows when Mercury enters or leaves retrograde or to trigger once a day when Mercury is in retrograde.
For more inspiration and access to pre-built templates, you can review the Retrograde by Zapier built-in app profile page at
The following is a list of trigger event options that Retrograde by Zapier provides:
- Mercury enters Retrograde (trigger): This event triggers once Mercury enters retrograde
- Mercury in Retrograde (trigger): This event triggers once per day when Mercury is in retrograde
- Mercury leaves Retrograde (trigger): This event triggers once Mercury leaves retrograde
Each of these triggers is similar in terms of setup; however, they all return...