Previewing and publishing your course or quiz
Just like Articulate Presenter, Quizmaker creates a Flash video presentation of your quiz or survey. This requires that the program publish the quiz, outputting the information that you created as the Flash video.
Getting ready
You will need a quiz that you have already created. It doesn't matter whether it is a graded quiz or survey quiz, nor does it matter how long it is.
How to do it…
Although you can preview any individual slide as you are working on it, you must publish the quiz from the main Quizmaker screen. To preview and publish your course or quiz perform the following steps:
Click on the Preview button in the Publish section of the ribbon. It will take a few minutes for Quizmaker to produce your preview, because it is doing everything that it needs to do for publishing, except making the files.
The preview that is created is a working preview, allowing you to test out the functions, including the answers to the questions. Cycle through your...