Creating a labeled graphic
Labeled graphics are different from other types of interactions. With them you can label a diagram, providing information about its various parts. This can be very useful for a number of different things, such as identifying the parts of a machine, providing additional information about components, or highlighting the details of a photo with information.
Getting ready
This is a separate type of interaction, so you will not need to work from a previously created interaction. You will need to have Articulate Engage open.
How to do it…
We're going to need to start with the graphic that we want to use. Engage doesn't provide much editing capability for graphics, so you may need to edit it in a graphics program before importing it into Engage. To create a labeled graphic perform the following steps:
From the Engage start screen, click on the button that says Create a new interaction. When the New Interaction dialog box opens, select the Labeled Graphic tab and click on the...