Setting up a quiz template
To set up any type of quiz, we're going to need a template. Just like in Presenter, this template is for the program's "skin" and not for the content of the quiz or course itself.
Getting ready
You'll need to open the Articulate Quizmaker program. Once open, select Create a new quiz from the opening screen. Since we are going to create a quiz template, select the tab in the dialog box that says Graded Quiz and click on the OK button.
Quizmaker's main screen will open, showing you the Home ribbon that says No questions in the list of questions, as shown in the following screenshot:
How to do it…
Any quiz template you create can be used with multiple quizzes; this is one of the ways that you can create the "branding" of a teaching series or of your company. To set up a quiz template, perform the following steps:
On the Home ribbon click on the Player Templates button. This will open the Player Template Manager dialog box, as shown in the following screenshot:
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