Creating your own webcam video
It may turn out that you want to record your own video of yourself speaking, perhaps as an introduction to a training class, perhaps providing commentary about a product. Recording via webcam has become a very popular way of adding commentary, whether on YouTube or in your own production. Regardless of the reason for wanting a video of yourself to put into a presentation, Articulate Video Encoder provides a way of recording from your webcam and outputting it as an FLV encoded video for Flash.
Getting ready
You'll need Articulate Video Encoder open. Since we will be recording the video, you won't need to have a video open.
How to do it…
To create your own webcam video perform the following steps:
From the Encoder opening screen, click on Record your webcam. This will cause the Record Webcam dialog box to open.
If you are already in Encoder and want to record, you can access Record Webcam from the round Articulate button in the upper-left corner of the screen...