In this chapter, we explored how to develop a low-cost wearable smart heart-rate monitoring system using the XIAO ESP32C3 and a pulse sensor. One important thing to note was the necessity of calibrating medical sensors before using them in the field. We set up a Thing, which included cloud variable creation, device association, network configuration, and coding for our development board. Later, we created a dashboard to visualize our sensor readings with different widgets to display both current readings and historical data with the help of graphs. Finally, we used Zapier to set up an email notification service based on thresholds using webhooks and saw how to employ webhooks to integrate third-party services with the Arduino IoT Cloud.
In the next chapter, we will learn about scripting in the Arduino IoT Cloud with the Arduino Cloud CLI (CCLI). This is a command-line tool that provides access to Arduino IoT Cloud services via terminal commands. We will use the Arduino IoT...