DIY challenge – RedBearLab BLE control
If you haven't guessed what the DIY challenge is from the provided clue, it's building a BLE wireless controller. The idea behind this DIY challenge is to replace the littleBits IR remote trigger circuit interface using the RedBearLab BLE shield. The BLE shield makes the product size smaller, and it can be operated by using an Apple iOS or Android smartphone. A Bluetooth-enabled mobile device, such as a tablet, can also be used as the User Interface (UI) to operate the SNAP circuit AM radio as well. The design parameters for the DIY challenge are based on the block diagram shown as follows:
The RedBearLab BLE shield will provide the control signal to operate the transistor relay driver circuit. The contacts of the relay when closed will turn the SNAP circuit AM Radio ON. Again, a Bluetooth-enabled tablet or smartphone will provide a UI-based wireless control interface to operate the SNAP circuit AM radio. To aid in the wiring of the...