Building a BLE seven segment LED display controller
The prototype built for this wireless device is quite similar to the BLE DC motor controller. The smartphone app will be extended in such a way that six of the digital ports will be used instead of one. Traditionally, to operate seven discrete LEDs of the display requires the same number of control lines to operate the optoelectronic component properly. The BLE Controller app unfortunately has only six slide switches; therefore, the extra LED of the display will be hardwired to a slide switch-controlled segment. The BLE seven segment LED display prototype concept's diagram is as follows:

What's inside a seven segments LED display?
Before proceeding to the project build, let's explore the inner workings of a seven segment LED display. A seven segment LED display consists of seven discrete LEDs strategically arranged inside a small plastic case. The placement of the discrete LEDs is such that the number 8 is visible on the front of the small...