In this chapter, a programmable motor controller was built by using an Arduino, AND gate, and transistor motor driver. The fundamentals of digital electronics, which include the concepts of Boolean logic expressions and truth tables were explained in the chapter. The AND gate is not able to control a small DC motor because of the high amount of current that is needed to operate it properly. PMOSFET (IRF521) is able to operate a small DC motor because of its high current sourcing capability. The circuit that is used to wire a transistor to a small DC motor is called a transistor DC motor driver. The DC motor can be turned on or off by using the LCD cursor selection feature of the programmable DC motor controller.
In Chapter 3, Talking Logic Probe, we will have a discussion on how to make an electronic tester that gives an output of the binary state (high or low) of a digital logic gate circuit by using a programmable text-to-speech module. EMIC 2, a programmable text-to-speech module...