Chapter 2. Programmable DC Motor Controller with an LCD
A programmable logic controller (PLC) is an industrial computer that is used to operate various electronic and electromechanical devices that are wired to I/O wiring modules. The PLC receives signals from sensors, transducers, and electromechanical switches that are wired to its input wiring module and processes the electrical data by using a microcontroller. The embedded software that is stored in the microcontroller's memory can control external devices, such as electromechanical relays, motors (the AC and DC types), solenoids, and visual displays that are wired to its output wiring module. The PLC programmer programs the industrial computer by using a special programming language known as ladder logic. The PLC ladder logic is a graphical programming language that uses computer instruction symbols for automation and controls to operate robots, industrial machines, and conveyor systems.
The PLC, along with the ladder...