A DIY serial monitor LCD marquee
Besides being able to use the serial monitor to view variable values during a code debugging session, it can also send messages to an LCD. The basic concept drawing for the DIY serial monitor LCD marquee is shown as follows:
This DIY challenge is based on text messaging concepts discussed in Chapter 6, A Simple Chat Device with LCD. The idea behind this challenge is to test and compare the operation and esthetics of an ordinary LCD to an OLED display device. The internal structure of the concept drawing can be viewed as a small LCD/OLED display marquee connected to Arduino Uno. Sending messages to the marquee is done through a standard USB cable connected to the Arduino Uno as shown in the following block diagram:
Although, the block diagram shows the Arduino Uno wired to a 16x2 LCD, an OLED LCD can easily be used in the serial monitor marquee device. The code to make the serial monitor marquee work is shown as follows:
/* LiquidCrystal Library - Serial Input...