Setting up the BSP, boot software, drivers, and libraries for the software project
As can be seen in Figure 8.21, in the Application Project Settings window, BSP Settings is accessible from the Vitis IDE per application project. Also, when we first specified our ETS SoC hardware platform, by using the XSA hardware archive generated by Vivado, we selected Generate boot components (as in Figure 8.10). We should easily accomplish the remaining configuration and settings tasks for the boot, the Board Support Package (BSP), and the peripheral software drivers.
Setting up the BSP for the ETS SoC MicroBlaze PP application project
Within the Vitis IDE, we can customize the BSP, set the device drivers to use, and select the application libraries we need. We can also specify the BSP compilation options for the MicroBlaze PP ETS SoC application project. Let’s go through it by following these steps:
- To access the MicroBlaze PP application project in the Vitis IDE, simply expand...