Answer the following questions to test your knowledge of this chapter:
- What are the main features we have added to the ETS SoC design in this chapter and why did we add them?
- Describe the main steps needed to connect the MicroBlaze subsystem to the PS block in Vivado.
- What modifications are needed to the address map and why?
- Which type of transactions are supported by the ACP port?
- List the different steps involved in the Cortex-A9 to the MicroBlaze PP IPC when using the PS AXI GP.
- List the different steps involved in the Cortex-A9 to the MicroBlaze PP IPC when using the PS ACP.
- How does the ACP improve the Cortex-A9 to the MicroBlaze PP IPC performance?
- Describe a scenario (not using the ACP) when cache management operations are needed to keep the data shared between the Cortex-A9 and the MicroBlaze PP coherent.
- List some of the disadvantages of using the ACP in general as a gateway between the PL accelerators and the Cortex-A9 memory...