III - Mass Market Customer Relationship Management
Mass Market Customer Relationship Management (MaMa-CRM) takes on the burden of (usually paper-based) customer contacts for organizations working in mass markets, such as insurance companies, credit card providers, mobile telecommunication providers, energy and water providers, and large real estate companies (in MaMa speak, these are called Mandators).
MaMa-CRM was initially ordered for an independent, mid-sized data center to support the launch of the German (government-enforced) e-Health card, which is now used to support campaigns such as telephone billing and electrical power metering.
For every mandator, there is at least one completely independent MaMa-CRM instance running, which is specifically configured for its mandator and a campaign.
The MaMa-CRM architecture documentation is quite heavy in terms of its requirements, describing several aspects of flexibility that triggered many central architecture decisions.