Generalizing the problem and planning Python algorithms
In the previous section, we were working with an algorithm designed for use in a funding campaign. The algorithm we looked at was problem-specific.
Now let's try to generalize this problem and understand how we could potentially design a different algorithm. Why would we need that? Think of it as a template. If you run multiple funding campaigns for start-ups, you may want to create a general algorithm that you can then adapt based on the needs of each campaign rather than having to start each campaign over.
You would need to set up some clear parameters and make some decisions. In order to keep this scenario manageable for the book's purposes, we're going to limit our choices a bit:
- Every campaign will have between 3 and 5 tiers of pledges, not including donation-only.
- Every tier will ask for the items needed for each tier.
- Each tier option will have a set percentage built in.
If there...