We have learned some fundamentals of computer science in this chapter. We looked at how to convert from binary to base-10. We also explored topics and theories in theoretical computer science. We learned about computing and data types and structures. These sections will allow us to understand the computational thinking process and how to tackle all types of problems presented, starting in Chapter 2, Elements of Computational Thinking, of this book.
As we delve deeper into the computational thinking world and process, we will need to revisit some of the content of this chapter as we look at problems, search for the best way to solve them, and make decisions about how to write the algorithms.
Problems may have an infinite number of ways to be solved using algorithms. Understanding how processes work and which data structures are most suitable for our problems is imperative in creating the best solutions. Identifying the data types needed for the algorithms and how computers read data will only help us in writing the most effective and efficient algorithms.
In the next chapter, we will learn about the computational thinking process and how to break down problems in order to design our algorithmic solutions.